Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Some catching up to do...

Time is flying by...Steve has been traveling here and there for his job and I've been able to stay very busy. Gabriella is my sweetheart and it makes me want to cry (I already did today) at how big she is getting. She fell asleep in my arms tonight and as I looked at her face, it was like looking at my baby 2 1/2 years ago. Then I noticed that she is about four times longer than she was when she was born. Yes the time flies.
Here is a recap of our Easter...

I'm really proud of my skirt but you can't really see it very well in the pictures. My friend Amy helped me make it and it turned out really cute. She was my very own personal stylist...I will have to take her shopping with me again.
Here are some pics of me and Steve.

Some candy from the Easter Bunny came early thanks to a great package from Kentucky. The bunnies there really loaded us up on chocolate, eggs, and some darling presents for the little one. Thanks Bluegrass bunnies!
Once we got home from church Ella Bella found this:

Then we were off to dinner at Amy and Ryan's house.

Sunday was cold and rainy so the Easter Bunny decided to hide the eggs Monday night. More on that to come!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A Red Rock Adventure

We did a little photo shoot today at Red Rocks.
Gabriella loved it!
She loves to pick up rocks so she was pretty amazed at the big red ones.

I was trying to explain a little about Dinosaurs and the big scary teeth. I told her to touch them and I heard her say "Oh, so cute," and she smiled. Yep those monster teeth were pretty cute, but not as cute as my little sweetheart standing in front of them.

We really had a perfect afternoon...and she fell asleep on the way home...Perfect!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More Twilight and Edward

Here are more pics from the other party! It was so much fun...this time we had fondue and lots of yummy things. More gift bags, more prizes and that dazzling quiz Steve made for me.

Twilight Party

So I had the bright idea of doing a Twilight Party...actually I did two Twilight parties.
I had wanted to pre-order it from Borders but the special edition was sold out and delivery wasn't until April, which is way too late. So since we were at the mall anyway we went to Hot Topic. I got a nifty gift card and special Twilight Invitation good for only one person. So to make sure I got my movie I pulled on my black hoodie, not to mention I was already wearing my black jeans and headed out to the mall with pepper-spray on hand (Charlie would be proud). I figured that was about as "goth" as I could get and pulled into the mall parking lot a little after midnight. I had missed all the activities on purpose, hoping to avoid the crowd of teenage girls escorted by their mothers. I planned it pretty well, the cars were heading out, mall security was still there and I walked right into the store. The employees were all decked out in black lace and heavy makeup. They gave me a strange look, so I told them how I wanted skip the crowd of 14 year olds and just wanted my movie. The gal smiled and said look "you even get a poster." Cool!
So the next day I cleaned, bought twinkle lights and Steve took Gabriella out to play at the mall with giant play food.
We stayed up late eating popcorn and too much sugar which is why some of these pics are so crazy! There may have been too much sugar but you can never have enough Edward. Right?
Thanks to Steve we had an amazing Twilight quiz, with prizes and everyone got a gift bag. I also want to thank my mom and sister for providing awesome items for the gift bags! You Rock!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

How much is that doggie in the window?

We are really enjoying our little Flip Video Camera.
(This video was taken a week ago when Ella Bella wasn't so sick)

for some reason Gabriella was playing around, licked my hand and tried to bark like a dog. So we have been practicing what animals say. Here she is....and it is a bit repetitive but still cute.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mail Day

We had a surprise mail day!

Friday, March 06, 2009

At home! Maybe even for a week consecutively!

Well, it's been a crazy month. I took a new position at work which is giving me a lot of valuable experience, but also requires me to go through "bursts" of travel. February was one of those months--I traveled 3 weeks out of 4. However, March is looking to calm down, and I'm excited that I should have some time at home.

So, in the wake of Circuit City closing up shop, Meredith and I have been watching the rapidly diminishing stock there to see if, by the end, there would be anything worth picking up. It turns out that our hopes were not in vain--I found a Flip Video recorder there for 50% off, and it seemed like a good deal.

(Picture from

We got this little thing because we figured it was an easy way to take quick video. It's not as fancy as a camcorder, but it's a LOT smaller, so we figured we could take it with us a lot. Also, it can take up to an hour of video, which far exceeds the 30 seconds our point and shoot camera can do. At any rate, here's the first video to be uploaded. Sorry for the cruddy camera work...I was trying to fix Rocket at the same time.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Photo Happy

On my quest to learn more about this whole Digital Photography thing....I went a little picture happy the other day.
Hope these make you smile.